For any clients wanting general access to an area/room that is not constrained by time and/or practitioner i.e. access to a Hot tub, Clay rooms, bar area or relaxation room etc, you could create these Items as an Area Booking Type.


Step 1 

To create an Area Booking type you firstly need to create the Bookable Areas - to do this head to:



> Bookable Areas

New Booking Area

> You'll be asked to enter an Area Name i.e. Hot Tub 1, Mud bath 1 etc

> Then a Description

> And the Capacity of the Area


Repeat the process until you've added in all your Bookable Areas.



Step 2

Now you'll need to create the Area Booking types by heading to:



> Area Booking Type

New Area Booking Type



> You'll be asked to enter the Name i.e. Hot Tubs

Start Time Interval - use this to set the interval at which people can choose to book i.e. every 5 minutes, 10, 15, 30 etc. This works with your Availability settings (which you'll set further down), so if you are available Monday from 10am-6pm, and you've set your start time interval to 30 minutes, customers will have the options to book at 10am / 10:30 / 11 / 11:30 ... all the way up to 6pm

Duration - you can set the range of duration that a customer can choose to stay for, i.e. between a minimum of 30 minutes to 2 hours

Duration Interval - set the time intervals between the Min and Max Durations that customers can make a booking for i.e. if you set this as 30 Minutes, customers will be given the options to make a booking for:


30 minutes

1 hour

1 hour 30 minutes

2 hours


> Create



You'll then be taken to a page to set up: 


> Availability i.e. what days and times of the week this can be booked.

Price - how much it is to book out. You can create multiple prices for different durations, days of the week and date ranges

Areas - as you have created Bookable Areas, you can now choose with Areas customers can book using this Area Booking type.  

Cleaning Time - if you need to add time on to the end of the order to allow for cleaning before the next order, you can select from 5 - 45 minutes

Maximum Orders - you can restrict the number of individual orders that can be booked into the Bookable areas at any one time.



> Then make sure to SAVE.